Food Ministry

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me."

-Matthew 25:35
Food Ministry 1


Food Pantry in Partnership with The Jim Dotson Foundation, Inc.

Food on the table can be a luxury to the elderly on fixed incomes, the disabled and families living paycheck to paycheck. That need, which is even greater during these troubling times of pandemic, is year-round. The Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church, in collaboration with the nonprofit Jim Dotson Foundation Inc., a Jacksonville-based group in Arlington, has made it a mission to feed, clothe and help neighbors as well as strangers experiencing hard times. Fort Caroline Presbyterian Church and the Jim Dotson Foundation host a mobile food pantry twice a month (the second and fourth Saturdays each month), which also features a free hot homemade breakfast cooked by the “ladies of the Pancake Ministry” at the church at 3754 University Club Blvd. Working in collaboration, we provide multiple pantry items and staples for over 800 families in our area. Read more about it in this Jacksonville.COM article, "Jacksonville nonprofit, church on mission to feed, clothe those in need year-round" .

Meals on Wheels

In addition to our Food Pantry in partnership with the Jim Dotson Foundation, we also provide Meals on Wheels services Monday through Thursday.

The Fall Crop Walk

Every fall we coordinate the Crop Walk, which raises money for the poor to expland their ability to raise crops and animals.

Arlington Community Services Food Bank

Another food service we provide is to provide support and assistance to food banks in the Arlington area.

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